Bargain Basement

Some folks head straight to our bargain basement when they come to the store. Others have seen our basement advertised on our reader board, and come inside asking “So where’s the basement?” We might be tempted to say “Well, downstairs, of course?” But we know our good customers are really asking, “How do you get to the basement?”, so we show them where the stairs are at the back of the store. Painted overhead as you walk down those stairs, you will read the words “Prices so low we keep them in the basement.”

Over the years, our basement has been a happy place for treasure hunters…people who truly love books and bargains, and have spent time picking through tables and shelves for the “treasures” they might find. Much of the basement is older books that have been marked way down. Some of the books are used.

There is some gift product in the basement, and we are trying to make a clearance purchase of books and gifts from time to time, for the specific purpose of putting fresh, low priced clearance merchandise in the basement.

Sometimes we see a friend drop off a friend or a spouse leave their spouse at the store, and go do something else while the person in our store spends a couple hours treasure hunting in the basement. Some customers can easily fill a hand basket or two with product before we see them come back upstairs to make their purchase.

Of course, many of our upstairs prices are absolutely terrific. But if you have time, you may want to visit our basement to see what treasures still remain for you to take home.


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